
Well I had a couple of random meetings this week.  I went out for dinner with someone who who I had had a quick chat with whilst washing up at a cookery school session. I commented to Makiko that I was amazed that there is always someone standing outside the Kentucky Fried Chicken booth on the High Street...she then told me that for Christmas Eve (a bigger day here than the 25th) that her Mum and Dad tried to get Kentucky Fried Chicken but were told that they couldn't as they hadn't  booked in advance!!!!  The reason is that ovens in Japanese homes aren't very big so they cannot fit in all the stuff they want to cook so revert to buying it...in this case from the great man himself Colonel Sanders!

...and then I met up with Kayo, she's got a masters in History of Art and is applying to do a PHD - or is it the other way around?  I found Kayo by signing up to a website for cultural exchange.  I asked them to find me a Japanese teacher who could teach me and I in exchange would help them with their English.  And she's heading for Scotland to further her studies.  Apparently in the 1800 s there was a connection with Scotland and Japan, and some of the Glasgow boys art group went over to Japan...

A club in town runs various classes....the current teacher for the Japanese womens' English discussion group is leaving.  I found out about this opportunity on day 3.  I tried to find out details, had arranged to meet the teacher etc etc and then I was contacted to say my application was late!  Not sure how but they allowed me to put in my proposal "late".

I also met up with lovely Anujah from the British Red Cross who has been in Tokyo for 3 years and is mad about the octopus balls from Osaka. I am hoping to go vintage clothes shopping with her :)

A while ago (well not that long because I was already in Tokyo) I saw an English language teaching job ad for the business arm of Berlitz.  Applications closed the next day so I quickly submitted mine. I was asked for an interview which would require me to do a trial lesson.  Another email asked me to confirm my attendance as apparently a lot of applicants when they find out that they need to do a sample lesson cancel.....does make me wonder why they are applying?!  Business attire was required...mmm this was going to be tricky! 

.......I got offered the job!!!!   I am very excited about it and go in next week for a half day induction to find out more.   

The church bazaar - Dominic helped man the cake stand and I was on the white elephant stand the aim of which was to get rid of stuff! I walked in at 9am for my stint and within minutes had bought several notebooks and a dry erase board!  The number of people that looked disappointed when seeing the sold sign on it was interesting....especially an older Japanese lady who seemed to get excited and then visibly slumped when someone told her it was sold!

David from Ireland came to stay a couple of nights and he took us to a print museum just a short walk away, and also advised us about an antique fair on Sunday as well as loads of other things, he's lived in Tokyo and seemed to digest the entire what's on in town calendar! Also went to Gonpachi the restaurant featured in Kill Bill.  Dominic did not wear the outfit.

Our stuff from the UK showed up.  So how come our flat in London is half the size of where we are living yet our things barely fit in this place?  Perhaps this question will feature in next years GCSE maths paper?

Tune in next time to find out what happened when I told a student of my washing habits.....and a first aid myth!

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