We have not sorted out Christmas cards yet so maybe they won't happen. instead perhaps we should adopt the Japanese tradition of Happy New Year cards - that should buy us a few extra weeks!
Okay so here goes I was teaching a student. The topic was sleeping. I found some audio for her to listen to. She said she was happy with all the vocabulary but then could not make sense of the sentence " I get up in the middle of the night to go for a wee." The dictionary had said wee meant small!
We cover this and then the conversation moved on. Student mentioned she'd been stung by jellyfish. I thought she would be interested in the first aid myth. If you're stung by a jellyfish you need to wee on it. I tried to explain this but it was tricky! Eventually I ended up drawing. Here it is! I am not sure BRC would be happy with this focus on what NOT to do, but I did tell her what she should do too, although that did not take as long or require my illustration skills.
Next washing. Talking about having a bath before bed being relaxing. I told the student I have a shower in the morning. She asked did I have a bath in the evening. When I said no she was absolutely horrified. And I mean horrified. She said if I got into bed without bathing my sheets would be dirty and I would need to wash them often. We talked about babies and kids having baths in the evening. I wondered when the change from evening to morning happens. I did not dare mention teenage boys and perhaps them not washing in the evening or in the morning!
Did I tell you I have some wheels? After a few weeks in Tokyo I really wanted a bike. On craigslist they were advertised but went before I even had a chance to reply or they were in some far-flung part of Tokyo from which I was not confident to cycle back from. I got a second hand bike from a shop. It has a lock, front light, and they registered it for me, alI for £50. I got back home and cycled round the various food vans in the area to make my lunch choice. I was supposed be doing some interview prep in the afternoon but I was just so excited with my purchase that I couldn't concentrate!
Any suggestions for a name gratefully received!